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Yup, I usually clean mine when it's dirty and I have lots of lovely fresh food to put in it! I am like that with all cleaning. No such thing as regular here, I wait till it looks like it needs doing. Somehow the end result is more satisfying that way than if it looked like that all hte time!!


OOh, sorry that last comment was from me!


I was just going to call myself a procrastinator, but I like your reasoning better. ;o) And amazingly, the fridge still looks good! Also, I started cleaning out my pantry today, transfering cream of (brown) rice, pastas, beans, etc. into old pickle jars (the HUGE ones). Looks MUCH better, now. :o)


I clean mine about twice a year. Last time I did a rare thing. I said "Who wants two bucks? I'll pay that amount if you clean out the fridge!" Two eager faces dove in to the task. About an hour later they were laying limply on the floor swearing they'd never fall for THAT again.


Hey, whatever inspires one to clean a fridge... it's all good. I think mine gets cleaned about twice a year. I'm usually inspired when it gets so empty I'm having to look at the dirty shelves.

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  • Welcome to the Live Free Learn Free editor's blog - Shana's musings on Kenzie, unschooling, the magazine, and life in general.