We got a late start mowing the backyard this year, and now we're overrun with either deer ticks or brown dog ticks. I've driven myself nuts trying to figure out which they are. Deer ticks are potential transmitters of Lyme disease and will bite humans, while brown dog ticks are not transmitters of Lyme disease and are much less likely to bite humans. So, hopefully, they're brown dog ticks!
In any case, the yard is mowed, the dogs are on flea and tick medication and get a thorough checking-over several times a day, and Kenzie is subject to a quick nightly inspection.
Just thinking about it gives me that creepy crawly feeling like there's a tick walking through my arm hairs. <shudder>
From what I've read, simply mowing the grass should do the trick. Ticks would rather live in shady, moist places. Without the tall grass, there's really nowhere for them to thrive in our backyard. We'll see what happens.
Kenzie has rediscovered his love for Trout Fishing in America. He's been singing their songs all day, and he's desperately wanting to see them again (he saw them - and talked with them extensively - about three years ago).
I've finally finished up most of the family/personal projects and problems I've been dealing with over the past several weeks, and I'm tying up and polishing the newest issue of the magazine. Better late than never, and it will certainly feel good to have it finished and to start on the next issue. Oh, how I long for a few assistants to keep the magazine on track, even when other parts of my life require all my attention....