After talking about it for a few years, I've finally made my first foray into brewing. Terry has brewed quite a bit in the past, but this is all new to me. We started with an apple mead/cyser : 6 pounds of local honey, 3 gallons of unfiltered apple juice, 1 gallon of water, fresh ginger and champagne yeast. We'll see what happens.
Kenzie was quite happy to lick the extra honey from the container, smell the freshly-cut ginger root and watch the apple juice (and later, the honey mixture) siphoning into the carboy (giant glass bottle). We talked about creating vacuums (the siphoning), separating the albumen from the honey, activating the yeast, fermentation, etc. He's tried a sip of my store-bought cider before and, while not overly impressed, said it wasn't completely awful.
As usual, I dove into this new adventure headfirst. I'm relying on Terry for some of the basic information, and I've been looking through various brewing websites for a few hours, now. I have The Complete Joy of Home Brewing by Charlie Papazian in front of me, and I'll probably start reading it before I go to bed tonight. I enjoy learning what I need to know as I go along. Perhaps that's why unschooling has always made so much sense to me.
The house now smells of honey and ginger, and I'm reluctant to cook anything else until it's back to normal. Honey has always been one of my favorite scents. We'll leave the mixture in the carboy for a few weeks and then add a bit more honey for a second round of fermentation when we transfer it into bottles. I can hardly wait!