Kenzie's cold took a turn for the worse at the same time I started feeling mostly human again. Last night his ear began to hurt, and by midnight, the pain had intensified dramatically. He couldn't get comfortable, and the pain medicine he'd taken wasn't doing the trick. We decided to watch some late-night TV. Of course, there was nothing on, so we popped in The Princess Bride instead, quoting and laughing through the pain ("Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die"), and by the time it was over, his eardrum had ruptured, giving him some peace.
He felt well enough this morning to attend a wonderful performance by Jim Weiss, our favorite storyteller. Starting with "The Tortoise and the Hare," Mr. Weiss entertained dozens of homeschooling families for almost three hours. He was animated and joyful, and he was extremely kind to the kids, who ranged in age from infants to teens. Kenzie's favorite stories? The last two he told: Archimedes and the golden crown and Hercules and the Erymanthian boar. We bought one of the cds we didn't have - She and He: Adventures in Mythology - and Kenzie had him sign it. He's curled in bed listening to it now.